Saturday, January 28, 2012

"Apparently Mayonnaise is a Superpower!"

Last night, for the second time in my life, I saw two of the funniest people in the world perform live: Colin Mochrie and Brad Sherwood from "Whose Line is it Anyway?" IT WAS SO FUNNY!!! I'm seriously not lying when I say that my face and abs still hurt from laughing so hard. The whole show was incredible. A few highlights (that really didn't make much more sense in context than they do in this list):

1. Colin (in a French accent): "Oh no! It is my first time sticking my head in a tiger's mouth and I broke the tiger's jaw!"
2. Brad: "Here. Go to this website:!"
3. Colin: "The answer is 'starfish.' What is the question?"
    Brad: "Uh...what kind of fish is the most likely to go into rehab?"
4. Colin: "So you're going to burp, yodel, make a sound like a monkey in heat, a singing cat, and then a canary?"
5. Brad: "E.T stands for Elk Terrestrial?"

And those were just some of the spoken lines from the show! There was also rapping, singing, "seductive" walking, and throwing/hitting each other/stepping on mousetraps (poor Colin got hit in the head with one, and it left a mark!). I can honestly say that I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life, except maybe for the first time I saw them. They're still touring around, so if you've never gotten the chance to see them, you should definitely check out their website and see if they'll be near you! Trust me, you will have the time of your life!

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